
Why Nobody Reads Your Content Marketing


Your content marketing is so good that it could engage visitors, generate leads, and remain relevant for years. So you post it to your site… and 20 people read it.

Imagine spending hours of time crafting the perfect piece of content. You brainstorm and research and write and edit and design this wonderful addition to your ecommerce website. Your content marketing is so good that it could engage visitors, generate leads, and remain relevant for years. So you post it to your site… and 20 people read it.

This blog is not to dissuade you from content marketing. Content marketing is critical for e-business success! Strategically curated content is part of doing business on the web. So what happened? Why did nobody read your content?

You might be thinking, “I need to find myself some readers!” Increasing traffic to your content marketing, however, it is not about your ability to find readers. It’s about their ability to find you. Even for the absolute best content, the type of content that took you weeks to create, you are reliant upon seizing the attention of a potential reader on the Internet.

These readers (and viewers) are out there, and if you build great content, they do want to consume it. And where are they looking for content? On search engines. This is why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for content marketing.

SEO is a combination of practices and tactics that makes your content easier to find via search engines. Organic search, the traffic that comes from people naturally looking up keywords on search engines as opposed to through paid advertisements, is both inexpensive and effective at getting eyeballs on your content. Without SEO, content marketing is a lonely endeavor.

Google is generating more searches than ever before! Over 20 billion queries per month. For almost anything you can think of, there’s someone out there searching. And that includes the subjects and products you tackle with your content marketing.

Another benefit to using organic search to boost your content marketing is that these readers are pre-qualified for your subject matter. Because those readers actively searched for specific keywords, your content is more likely to appeal to them compared to marketers that simply push their content onto potentially uninterested individuals. Content marketing and SEO show the benefits of inbound marketing over outbound marketing.

In order to maximize your inbound marketing, you want to choose specific keywords within the content itself to attract the specific customers that are searching for those words. If you write content marketing filled with generic keywords, such as “products” or “services,” then you aren’t acutely targeting the netizens most likely to show interest in your content. You also compete with tons of other articles with similarly vague terms. Instead, if you sell “popcorn machines” to movie theaters, don’t simply write about your “products.” Be specific.

To get people to actually find and read your content marketing, you want to utilize all the best search engine optimization tactics, such as keywords, meta tags, and proper URLs. This is why we include a built-in SEO tool with Dynamicweb’s All-In-One eCommerce and online marketing solution. So if you find your great content with no readers, take a good, hard look at your content and start optimizing.

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